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COSMHYC XL Project - Innovative compression solutions for efficient hydrogen mobility
Approach and Vision
Hydrogen mobility is one of the most promising solutions for a sustainable energy transition. Due to the long range of fuel-cell vehicles (range of 500 to 800 km), hydrogen mobility is of high interest for large-scale mobility applications, such as heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) or "large scale" fleets of light duty vehicles (LDV) with a high utilisation rate, such as fleets of taxis.
In COSMHYC XL knowledge generated within the sister project COSMHYC was used to enhance the results by applying them to heavy-duty vehicle applications. COSMHYC XL contributed to the reduction of the production costs of hydrogen and therefore making it a competitive fuel for large-scale mobility.

Objectives and Activities
The COSMHYC XL project aims at developing an innovative compression solution for extra-large HRS combining:
- a baseload metal hydride compressor, with high level of reliability
- and a new mechanical compressor, enabling very large flow rates
By integrating both compressors, thermal synergies will be optimised leading to an improved electrical efficiency by more than 30%. Above that, the new compression solution will contain no critical raw materials (e.g. rare earths, noble metals).

Impacts and benefits
With its innovative compression solution COSMHYC XL will contribute to the 2030 Energy Strategy of the European Union by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air but also noise pollution.
Besides these economic impacts, COSMHYC XL will increase the energy efficiency of hydrogen compression by more than 30% and reduce hydrogen production costs at HRS.
Thanks to its modular and flexible concept, the COSMHYC XL solution is well adaptable for nearly all large-scale transport applications allowing a large roll-out of the project’s solution.