On September 13 – 14, COSMHYC DEMO partner Steinbeis Europe Zentrum was in Stuttgart, Germany to meet hydrogen experts and spread the world about new technologies which are funded by the European Union.
In several discussion, COSMHYC DEMO was the subject of great interest, mostly due to its innovative compression solution with metal hydride compression.
As a highlight, the team of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supported the Women In Green Hydrogen (WiGH) network at their booth and organised and chaired a panel discussion in the speaker’s corner. This activity aligns well with the COSMHYC DEMO commitment to gender mainstreaming in all aspects of the work being done.
About hy-fcell
At hy-fcell, the international hydrogen and fuel cell community meets to discuss technological advances, transfer knowledge and develop international markets. The annual English-language conference and trade fair with hy-fcell award ceremony in the centre of Europe is active worldwide.
With more than 20 years of history, hy-fcell is one of the longest running trade fairs and conferences in the industry. hy-fcell is one of the most important meeting points for the industry and offers both experts and newcomers the ideal platform in a modern exhibition and congress centre in one of the strongest economic regions.